The recruitment of international students in Soochow University is not permitted to entrust any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters.
▓ 僑生及外國學生來臺就讀大學之相關規定及權益比較(Comparison of relevant regulations and rights for overseas Chinese and foreign students studying in universities in Taiwan)
114學年度外國學生申請入學簡章(Admissions Handbook for International Students Academic Year 2025)
報名申請(Registration application process)
報名申請文件上傳(Upload registration application documents)
Q1: 外國學生如何申請? How do international students apply? |
一、外國學生申請入學於每年的一月到四月辦理(詳見本校當學年度簡章)及線上報名網址。 (http://eng.web.shu.edu.tw/518/application-for-admission) Applications for admission by International students are processed from January to April each year (see the school’s academic year brochure for details) and the online registration website. 二、有關申請學歷需具有中華民國教育部認可之高中職學歷以上或同等學歷資格,請參考教育部外國大學參考名冊查詢系統 http://fsedu.cloud.ncnu.edu.tw/home.aspx。 For application qualifications, you must have a high school vocational degree or above recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China or equivalent academic qualifications. Please refer to the Ministry of Education’s Foreign University Reference List Inquiry System 三、申請注意事項 Application Notes |
Q2:入學語言能力門檻 Entrance language proficiency threshold |
Ans: 申請中文授課之學系需繳交中文能力證明 Applicants for Chinese-medium courses are required to submit a certificate of Chinese language proficiency: (1)繳交華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)A2(含)以上之證明或等同 CEFR A2(含)以上之國際通用中文能力證明。 The Chinese language proficiency requirement is the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) A2 or above or the international equivalent of CEFRA 2 or above. (2)母語為中文者免繳,需提供相關證明。 Native Chinese speakers are exempt but need to provide supporting documentation. (3)畢業於中文授課之學校或前任一學位(含高中畢業證書)為中文授課或主修中文者,請提供學校開立之中文授課證明。 For graduates from a school that uses Chinese as the medium of instruction or who majored in Chinese at any previous stage of education (including senior high school), please provide a certificate issued by the school. 4.全英語授課學程: 需繳交英文能力證明 Programs taught in English: Applicants must submit a Certificate of English proficiency. (1)英語文能力測驗等同 CEFR B1(含)以上之證明。 The proof of English proficiency is equivalent to CEFR B1 or above. (2)國籍為英語系國家者免繳;畢業於英語授課之學校或前任一學位為全英語授課者,請提供學校開立之英語授課證明。 Applicants from English-speaking countries are exempt. However, graduates from schools where the medium of instruction is in English or those with previous degrees are taught entirely in English. please provide a certificate issued by the school.除全球智能傳播全英學士學位學程為英文授課外,其餘學系學士班、碩士班、博士班課程皆以中文授課為主。Except for the Bachelor’s degree program in English for Global Intelligent Communication, which is taught in English, the rest of the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral programs are taught in Chinese. |
Q3: 財力證明 |
Ans: 帳戶存款金額至少美金3,500元(或新台幣100,000元),或獎學金證明。(請選擇以下任一種方式繳交) a.最近三個月內經金融機構開具之足夠在臺就學之財力證明影本一份。 b.政府、大專校院或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明。 c.存款證明非申請人帳戶,需附上資助者之財力保證書及其存款證明(表格將於線上申請表填完後,由系統自動帶出)。 A financial statement with a minimum balance of US$3,500 or a copy of a scholarship award notification. Please select one of the following methods: a. Photocopy of a financial statement that demonstrates financial sustainability for study in Taiwan (issued by a financial institution within the past three months). b. Proof of full scholarship provided by a government agency, university, college, or private organization. c. If the financial statement is not in the name of the applicant, a financial guarantee (The form will be displayed automatically after completing the online application form) is also required from the sponsor. |
Q4:學雜費收費標準及退費基準 Tuition, Miscellaneous Fees and Refund Policy |
有關學費和其他費用的信息,請查看網站: For information concerning tuition and other fees, please check the website: 收費標準Fees https://pse.is/4ssr3e 退費基準Refund Policy https://pse.is/4qcaza |
Q5:獎助學金資訊 Scholarships and Bursaries |
Ans: 本校獎助學金資訊事宜,請洽本校國際暨兩岸事務處。 For the application of scholarship, please inquire about the International and Cross-Strait Affairs. https://global.web.shu.edu.tw/en/degree/scholarship/ b.臺灣獎學金 (a)為鼓勵優秀國際學生來臺就學,外國學生可申請由政府提供之臺灣獎學金。申請人可於每 年2月1日至3月底至當地或至最近之中華民國駐外機構申請。 To encourage outstanding international students to undertake studies in Taiwan, international students may apply for the government-offered Taiwan Scholarship. Applicants must submit applications for the Taiwan Scholarship to the Taiwan Overseas Embassies or Missions located in their home country or a nearby country between February 1 and March 31. (b)有關獎學金訊息,請參考臺灣獎學金網站。(https://reurl.cc/g6OAlN) For more information about the MOFA/MOE Taiwan Scholarship, please visit. (https://reurl.cc/g6OAlN) |